Sunday, January 30, 2000

Janet was anticipating dinner at a Mongolian Barbeque.

North_Fork_Trails said...
Great news about the MacBook!

You know, WildMouse, he preferred Transylvanian Barbecue. The Wicked Witch of the East by Northeast (what a hottie!) would round up a bunch of sturdy yet songful elves, grab her Magic Sword, and go chop vampires into not-so-tiny, bloody pieces. Then, call WildMouse over, and barbecue those vampire pieces. The taste -- out of this world! Such a stirring, multi-faceted experience! In after years, when some random, quixotic event triggered recollection of those halcyon days, WildMouse would isolate himself in some darkened room of the vast and ancient palace, with scraps of filtered sunshine ghosting across the dim and distant walls, and listen to Schumann. A tiny tear would roll down his muscular cheek. His broad shoulders would shiver, slightly, as intense emotions threatened to overwhelm that powerful mouse. No one ever saw him in those rare moments.

April 21, 2008 10:47 AM

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